by Wendy M. Wright
In general, it might be said that discernment is about two things: attentiveness and discrimination. We need to attend to both what goes on around us and within us. Ideally, this attentiveness goes on much of the time, a sort of low level, constant spiritual sifting of the data of our experience. But there are times when discernment becomes much more focused, when a crossroad is reached or a choice called for. At times like these the cumulative wisdom of tradition tells us to pay attention on many levels:
- to consult scripture
- to seek the advice of trusted advisors
- to heed the sensus fidelium (collective sense of the faithful)
- to read widely/deeply the best ancient and modern thinking
- to pray
- to attend to the prick of conscience and to the yearnings and dreamings of our hearts
- to watch
- to wait
- to listen
Discernment is about discriminating: sifting through and evaluating the evidence of our focused attention. It is not, however, identical to problem solving. It is not simply a question of lining up the pros and cons and then judging which choice is feasible or which will benefit us, or others, in the long run. Discernment is more like the turning of the sunflower to the sun, or the intuitive hunch of the scientist... . Discernment is about feeling texture, assessing weight, watching the plumb line, listening for overtones, searching for shards, feeling the quickening, surrendering to love. It is being grasped in the Spirit's arms and led in the rhythms of an unknown dance.
From "Passing Angels: The Arts of Spiritual Discernment," Weavings: A Journal of the Christian Spiritual Life, Vol. X/6 (Nov/Dec 1995, (Nashville, TN: The Upper Room, 1995), 11-12.