

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Ruffling People's Feathers

Once someone has chosen to really begin discerning a call to religious life - out loud, in conversation with a spiritual director and a particular community or two - they are often asked what might have made them worried/anxious/afraid to take that step before doing so. One of the most common stumbling blocks to pursuing the possibility of a vocation to religious life is a concern about what other people will think. It can be very hard for some of us to reveal the deep desires of our heart to others, even those we care about and believe care about us. For others, the idea of being 'weird' or 'different' is difficult to bear. Still others may be concerned about disappointing family expectations of a lucrative career and/or a big family. These are all valid concerns to have. We human beings are made to be relational, and it may indeed ruffle some feathers if you decide to actively discern a call to religious life. In many, many cases, however, discerners are surprised at just how well their families and friends take their decision in stride. In fact, many are surprised to hear that their family and friends saw it coming! 

It is difficult to describe to those who have not yet experienced it the peace that comes when you choose to be most concerned about being true to what is being whispered in your heart and to what you feel God is inviting you to. Two hints while searching for what this may be for you, today:
1. These two things are probably the same thing, or at least related.
2. God always calls us into deeper joy and freedom (though the trust required to get there can sometimes be a bit scary for some of us).

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