This Sunday we offer you another reflection from Sister Rea McDonnell, SSND on the day's readings. If you enjoy her writing we invite you to follow along throughout the week on the SSND website.
Sunday, February 15, 2015 - Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Leviticus 13:1-2, 45-46; Psalm 32; 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1; Mark 1: 40-45
Last Sunday we heard that Paul will be all things to all
people, weak if they are weak, a slave to all. Today he continues his
“trying to please everyone in everything I do.” Paul is hardly a
“people pleaser” in today’s terminology; this is a missionary technique
that could well be used today, moving into a culture and building on
what is worthwhile. Some people fault Paul for his arrogance, but his
“Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ,” is also the way Jewish
missionaries brought the teaching of famous rabbis to Jews far from
Jerusalem; a rabbinic disciple imitated everything about the chief
rabbi. Today we see Jesus, moved with pity (although a more ancient
reading says “anger”), touching a leper. What is the source of his
anger? Is Jesus angry at God/Moses for declaring any skin eruption
unclean? Or at Jewish religion and fearful society for banishing such a
person? Or at the leper for hesitating to ask: “If you want to, you can
make me clean.” “Of course I want to,” Jesus responds.
Take a long, loving look at your anger. From where does it
stem? Are you able to get angry with God, and express it? What in our
church and/or society rouses your anger? Ask Jesus with great
confidence (none of this “If you want to…” or as we more often say, “If
it is your will…”) for what needs healing in your anger. It IS God’s
will that we be healed, that church and society be healed, that we
channel our anger into action for justice. Discuss all this with Jesus.
We offer you our anger, your gift to us to move us to justice
and compassion. Help us touch your suffering and outcast people in
person, or at least in our prayer.
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