"The boy stood up shakily, and looked once more at the Pyramids. They seemed to laugh at him, and he laughed back, his heart bursting with joy."
There is a particular joy when, towards the end of a good story, something happens that makes you say "Aha!" and look back through everything that led to that moment, connecting the dots that the author subtly marked out as you went along. (If you are still reading, don't worry - no spoilers here!) You may wish that you could have such a moment of clarity in your life, or you may have already had one (or more) as you bring your life into your conversation with God in prayer. If you have never tried doing that - asking God to help you see the movements of your life and the presence of God in those movements - it is a great tool both for trying to discern about a particular life choice and for everyday living.
What are some examples of foreshadowing that are evident in The Alchemist? How does the use of this literary device contribute to the sense of destiny and mysticism in the world that Coelho creates?
Have you ever had the sense that an event in your life, a conversation, or a new idea was the opening up of a new possibility or new path? Do you sense that God may be inviting you to something new at this point in your journey?
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