

Friday, August 21, 2015

Day 6, Chapter 6: Lay Ecclesial Ministry

"Significant numbers of laity are responding to the prompting of the 
Holy Spirit and the needs of the church in many and varied ways. 
They have embraced discipleship with Jesus, joining the Church in 
continuing his saving mission of bringing forth the reign of God."

This chapter, authored by Sheila McLaughlin, hits home in a particular way for Catherine and I. We are lay ecclesial ministers ourselves. Each of us, in her own time and way, discerned that God was calling us to lives of service within the church, came to understand that the invitation we were experiencing was not to consecrated religious life, and eventually found our way to this unique vocation which God created us for. Does this mean, however, that we value lay ecclesial ministry more than other vocations within the church? Certainly not! We both value consecrated religious life so much that we have been working together with the School Sisters of Notre Dame for the last three years to promote vocations to this community.

What I drew from this chapter, and what I hope comes through clearly for all readers, is that we each have a particular way of life for which we are best suited. The church continues to adapt and grow in response to the needs of people who live in specific moments and places within history. Anyone who is discerning whether they might be called to work within the church in some way is clearly committed to helping to bring about the reign of God - and we are all blessed by each person who steps forward to do so! Discernment of this kind requires listening carefully to learn how you, with your blend of gifts, talents, life experiences, and vision will best be able to contribute to the church's mission. Be open to all vocational possibilities!

What seems most challenging to you about ministry within the church?

What qualities/gifts/skills can you bring to the service of the Gospel?

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