

Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Shape of Your Heart, The Focus of Your Love

What I love most about this quote from Blessed Theresa is the gentle but very real challenge that it is. These are words that hit me right in the chest - right in the heart - every time that I read them. A soft poke, whispered questions: What do I love? Does my interior landscape (the things that I spend time thinking about, the things I desire, etc) seem like a reflection of what I say I love? Would a stranger looking at my day-to-day life know what I love based on what they would see me spending my time, money, and energy on? After reflecting on these things I always find myself shaking my head with a wry smile. I know the areas in which I can do better - we all do - and part of a life of discipleship is always striving to do a bit better. Being human means, among other things, having an inborn longing to become the best and most authentic version of ourselves over the course of our lifetime. This journey to wholeness, and our desire to make this journey, reminds me of Jesus' promise that, "I have come that you may have life, and have it abundantly" (Jn 10:10).

For those who are working out what they are going to do with their "one wild and precious life" (Mary Oliver), it is often helpful to take some time to consider what the shape of your heart is now and to consider what you hope the shape of your heart will become. These can be powerful insights about what makes you happy and helps you to feel most alive - what gives you abundant life.

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