

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Day 3 Now I Become Myself

Summer 2015 Book Discussion
Parker Palmer—Let Your Life Speak

In chapter 2 Parker Palmer addresses how a person best becomes themselves. The formation of a person mentally, physically, and spiritually only occurs when a person looks deep into themselves. From our conception God shapes us into a unique individual destined for a life of greatness. Are we willing to see this individual for who we truly are, the good and the bad? On page 10, Palmer states “Vocation does not come from a voice “out there” calling me to become something I am not. It comes from a voice “in here” calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfill the original selfhood given to me at birth by God.

Lately I have found myself reflecting on the Bible passage from Jerimiah 1:5, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you. Before you were born I set you apart.” How fitting a passage for this chapter of the book. What an incredible thought, God created us to be set apart from others, to take our gifts and individuality to better the world. What a perfect example of a vocation call.

Two additional points from the chapter that spoke to me occur on page 16, “Frederick Buechner…defines vocation as “the place where your deep gladness meets the world’s deep needs.”

As a Vocation Director I most enjoy my vocation when I can sit in conversation with other young adults and break open scripture and share reflection of where Christ is alive in our lives. This brings me hope and joy for the future of our church. This my place where deep gladness meets the needs of other young women who are thirsting for companions on their faith journey.

Palmer concludes the chapter by sharing a glimpse of Rosa Parks’ vocation. Parks one day chose to sit down not to prove a point or reshape society but instead to live out her true self in the world.  She no longer chose to act on the outside in a way that was different from her internal beliefs. We are all called to be our full self, to listen to the call from deep within…that is a true vocation. Is your heart listening to your external self?

Questions to reflect on:

  1.  Is there a Gospel passage that depicts your call in life?
  2. Is there a person in your life who, like Rosa Parks, challenges you not be less than the whole person you were destined to be?

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