

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 1, Introduction and Chapter 1: Answering the Call: Biblical Perspectives

Welcome to the third and final Summer Book Discussion of 2015. From the moment I began reading the book Catholics on Call, I felt challenged by the essays and found them easy to adapt to my life as a young adult. There was finally a book of ministry topics that was geared to my age group! I hope you enjoy the book and the daily reflections.

A New Generation of Leaders:
 "In 2007...One-third of the college students ad nearly half of the diocesan sample said that they had seriously considered lay ecclesial ministry as a future vocation. more than 80 percent of these young adults felt that lay ministry is a call from God....  about 70 percent of the men and one-third of the women stated that they had been encouraged by someone to consider ministry as a priest, brother, or sister."(page 5)

If you are reading this book then you are probably aware of the lack of young adults involved in ministry today and its no surprise that this lack of involvement was listed as a serious problem for the church. Young adults today are much different than they were 10 years ago. Today you will find that young adults are much more accepting of diversity, tech savvy, stressed, and eager to volunteer or find opportunities to experience the "real" world. The church is catching on and over the past few years major emphasis has been placed on teaching, prayer, and inclusion of young adults in parish life and church ministry. Role models such as John Paul II and Pope Francis have encouraged this trend as well as the use of social media, implementing programs for young adults that encourage them to become active participants in their faith, and parishioners who were open to engaging in conversations also helps. A future in lay ecclesial ministry is no long a far fetched idea. Jobs in parish ministry, campus ministry, spiritual direction, etc. are on the rise.

Have you considered a career in ministry?

Is there a priest, religious, teacher, or relative who have encouraged you to become actively engaged in parish life? 

One area that I find always draws me closer to my Call is scripture. The stories of Call in the bible remind me that I am never alone in ministry. Do you have scripture passage that speaks to your vocation or call story?

"We are a pilgrim people, together searching to find our answer to God's call." (page 23)

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