

Monday, August 17, 2015

Day 2, Chapter 2: The Challenge of Christian Discipleship in North American Culture

 “To believe in Jesus and to take up a life of discipleship is a challenge at every time.” (page. 41)

As I read this chapter I was most struck by the section, Challenges to Discipleship Today (pages 37-42). We live in a world that is plagued with uncertainty. Poverty is on the rise, terrorism is now feared, job security is a major concern, and we are constantly on the search for the truth…. The list goes on and on, yet faith is one aspect that can keep us grounded, secure, at peace, and on the right path, but it too is not always easy.  Day after day we must commit ourselves to actively engage in our faith, to make it a priority, to utilize it and to promote it in every aspect of our lives. Lately I have noticed that the more I challenge myself to make the commitment the more I learn about myself, life in general, and the abundance of blessings that occur daily. Changing a morning routine to begin with prayer, including time for daily reflection, choosing to attend daily mass, joining a prayer group; any activity that challenges you to place extra emphasis on your faith will help you to grow into a deeper relationship with Jesus, and make discipleship easier to achieve. 

Can you recall a time when you challenged yourself to make a commitment that changed your outlook on life?

Do you have a specific faith activity (journaling, prayer group, attending daily mass...) that helps deepen your relationship with Christ?

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