

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Day 7, Chapter 7: Religious Life Today

"Ultimately, it is a choice of who one will be. 
It is a choice to leave everything and to follow Jesus.
It is a choice about who will be the center of one's life in 
an exclusive and absolute way that determines all other 
loves and all other choices. In responding to God's invitation 
to become a consecrated religious, one chooses 
a uniquely different path to holiness."

This chapter is, I should imagine, the one most directly helpful to the readers of this blog. Sister Charlene Diorka, SSJ, does a very fine job of summarizing some key points about consecrated religious life within our cultural context as well as what is unique about the process of discerning this vocation, taking on this identity, and living it out within community, ministry, and prayer. She asked some excellent questions at the end of the chapter which I would like to leave you with today, either for your own personal reflection or for discussion here. 

How has God's loving activity been present in your life?

What would it be like to commit yourself to a life of service?

What do you see as the joys or challenges of life as a religious brother, sister, or priest?

How do you understand community living and why is it important to you?

What encourages you to move forward in undertaking a vocational discernment? What holds you back?

What is your/God's desire for your "one wild and precious life" and how has God entrusted and gifted you for that life?

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